Community Outreach
The Outreach committee continues to explore ways in which it can help those in need during these times. If you have suggestions for ways the committee can help in our community or if you would like to participate in its meetings, please contact the cathedral office.
Eighty-one months at the Reinhart House
February marked the eighty-second month that the Cathedral family has provided a monthly meal to the Evelyn D. Reinhart Guest House. Those months have been consecutive except for the time during the COVID pandemic, when such donations were restricted.
But exactly what is this “guest house” that the Cathedral has backed so fervently for so long? In short, Reinhart provides affordable housing and some meals to out-of-town residents whose loved ones are in St. Mary’s intensive care unit. This ministry is a great comfort to families in crisis.
In 1997, the St. Mary’s Volunteer Auxiliary recognized a need to provide comfort and care to the families of patients at St. Mary’s Hospital. Auxiliary recognized that patients heal more effectively and peacefully if their loved ones are nearby.
Thus, four small houses on St. Mary’s campus were transformed into guest cottages to meet the needs of families who needed overnight accommodations.
Then, in 2011, with a $1 million gift from the Reinhart Foundation to honor its matriarch, Evelyn D. Reinhart, the auxiliary began planning for a new guest house on Libbie Avenue near the St. Mary’s campus. In time, a 14,000-square-foot-building was built. It included 16 guest rooms and common areas for families to eat, relax, play, work and pray.
Around 2017, parishioners Greg and Donna Silvestri, owners of on u designs and finds, began donating candy dot necklaces to the children of Reinhart visitors. When the Cathedral Outreach Ministry was created, Greg joined the group and proposed that the Cathedral get involved by providing meals — an ongoing need at Reinhart.
Many Cathedral organizations have stepped up to participate in this ministry. The volunteer schedule for the rest of the year is shown below. If you or your organization would like to provide a meal, please call Greg at (804) 288-1587.
Reinhart Guest House 2024-2205 Organizational Schedule:
January — Parish Council, Lex Dunn
February 18: — AHEPA, Al Chavez
March 18: — GOYA
April 15: — Daughters of Penelope, Jackie Harmon
May 20: — Open
June 3: — Greek Festival
July 15: — OPEN
August 19: — OPEN
September 16: — OPEN
Other Outreach initiatives this past month include:
BLOOD DRIVE: A very successful Red Cross blood drive was coordinated in January by Martha Sotos. The initial goal of the drive was to collect 20 units of blood. However, a total of 33 units were collected and one-fourth of the donors were Cathedral members.
IOCC: An Emergency Supply Bucket drive was held on November 24. The buckets are used by the International Orthodox Christian Charities to aid in crisis situations. Another drive is tentatively scheduled for March 16.
Parishioners interested in participating in IOCC emergency response team, should visit for information.
Also note that this year’s Serving for Charity tennis tournament is planned for early November, rather than October, due to Richmond area events in October. The tournament is our Cathedral’s largest fundraiser for the IOCC.
COLLEGE STUDENTS: Calypso Bletsos reported that in December she sent eight “Care packages” to our Cathedral’s college freshman — in time for their first semester finals. Two of the eight were to those in the Navy. The included a laminated icon, provided by Krista Loucas. This ministry also is active in providing the college students with transportation to and from church on Sundays.
COMPANIONSHIP/VISITATION: A big thank you to Athena Agapis and her team for baking 60 dozen koulourakia that were distributed in December to 56 parishioners with low mobility issues. The koulourakia were in decorative bags and were delivered along with both a Cathedral and a Philoptochos Christmas card and a Cathedral ecclesiastical calendar.
HOMELESS SUPPORT: Krista Loucas reported that Gus Kalevas dropped off 30 first aid kits to the RVA Homeless Coalition. The kits were provided by Hope and Joy.
Outreach also provided end-of year monetary support for a number of organizations including: the Katherine Norton Toy Drive, FeedMore, Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Richmond Habitat for Humanity Unity Build, and Home Again in Memory of Nick Costas.
Participation in the Community Outreach Ministry is open to all parishioners. Its next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th at 7 p.m. If you would like to participate, please call our chairman, Jim Katsaros at (804) 241-1632
Community Outreach Ministry Vision
To grow closer to the broader Richmond community through acts of service as a Cathedral family and, by this, unite us to Christ.
To achieve this Vision, we will:
- Help build awareness of existing outreach activities at the Cathedral
- Be a resource to facilitate involvement and participation of Cathedral parishioners in outreach activities
- Serve as a sounding board for expanding the scope of volunteer outreach
- Sponsor community-wide activities (outside existing organizations) targeted for the local community
- Coordinate Cathedral response to national & international crisis/emergencies
Community Outreach Ministry Members:
Jim Katsaros, Chair / Parish Council Liaison
Tom Kazas, Co-Chair / Communications Director
Father Nicholas Bacalis, Sponsor / Inspiration
Key Ministry Champions:
Calypso Bletsos, College Student Ministry
John Bletsos, Companionship Ministry
Ruth Catherines, Philoptochos Liaison
Mark Chronis, IOCC Liaison: Emergency Supply Drives & Tennis Tournament / Fisher Guest House Meals
Gina Guinn, FeedMore / Food Drives
Elaine Hall, Clothing Supply Drives
Nikki Katsaros, ICU Comfort Kits
Katherine Boege (Bradley), Habitat for Humanity Programs
Krista Loucas, Elementary School Ministries / Micah Initiative
Greg Silvestri, Reinhart House Guest Meals / FeedMore & Food Drives
Martha Sotos, Medical Services Ministry, Blood Drives
If you would like more information contact the cathedral office.